Structured similarly to the Group Healing Unit, during our LIVE program taking place monthly usually on the 3rd or 4th Wednesday of the month, participants will voice their business related concerns, and we will be releasing possible blocks and limitations related to business success, prosperity, opportunities, and abundance.

Learn more about courses included into your subscription!

  • 42 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 0 Files

  • Here to Serve

  • Timing Opportunities

  • Supply, Demand, and Price

  • Sacred Perserverance

  • True Appreciation

  • Direction and Responsibility

  • Business Coherence

  • Taking Consistent Action

  • Power of Growth

  • Commitment to Your Enlightened Self

  • Divine Guidance and Decision Making

  • Ask and You Shall Recieve

  • Committed Priorities

  • From Burn Out to Progressive Prosperity

  • Business Movement

  • The Business of Your Life and the Business of Your Business

  • From Collateral Damage to Collateral Abundance

  • Adapting to Prosperity

  • Leadership and Management

  • Implementing the Path of Prosperity

  • Growth Commitment

  • Solving Problems ... Not Symptoms

  • From Values to the Law of Friction

  • Being of the Greatest Use

  • The Law of Intention for Business

  • LOVE Your Business!

  • When Less is More

  • Commitment to Thrive

  • Aware Focus

  • Steps to Solve Any Problem

  • Expanding ROI

  • Expanding capacity to trhive

  • Thriving through Connection

  • Releasing Impostor Syndrome

  • Business Conversation For Conversion

  • Vision Beyond Vision

  • What's Next?

  • Safe Money Solutions - With Jason Nightingale

  • Power Of Association

  • Significance Through Daily Disciplines

  • Quantum Leap: From Breaking Apart to Breaking Through

  • Thriving, Riches And Luxury Of Life